Monday, March 19, 2012

Fourth Quarter!!!

Alrighty cutie pies, the fourth quarter is here and it will be AWESOME! A bit of review for all of my students from today's class:

7/8 Grade--We are finishing Chapter 28 and the first part of Chapter 29 this week. Please make sure quiz 28.3, 29.1 are submitted to me by Thursday at 9:00 pm. We will have an assessment (no telling what it might look like:) ) this Friday.

6 Grade--Earthquake fun begins and ends this week! Here is a link to our online chapter for earthquakes. We will be starting under the "NATURE OF EARTHQUAKES" heading. Please have the NATURE OF EARTHQUAKES read by Wednesday and MEASURING AND PREDICTING EARTHQUAKES by Thursday.

5 Grade--We will finish Light this Thursday! I'll spend Tuesday/Wednesday reviewing with you but plan to have an assessment on Thursday.

For all of my LSU fans--thought you would appreciate a little fourth quarter excitement.
