Tuesday, November 27, 2012

5th Grade Sound Fun

Today we will play in an interactive Sound Lab!  Have fun!

Go HERE to go to the lab!

You will need to answer THESE QUESTIONS as you explore the lab.

After you have finished the lab exploration, go WATCH this story!


When you have finished the story, come show me the ASL for

Finally, go to this site:  http://www.start-american-sign-language.com/american-sign-language-alphabet.html

Before you leave sign your name to me! 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Science Students Are AWESOME!

We have implemented 1:1 ipads in grades 6-8 at our school and I've neglected to showcase some of our recent awesomeness:)  ALL of my students have rocked out the ipad initiative so far but here are some examples that I think you might enjoy from my Life Science class.  WAY TO GO ALL  of my science students!!  This year is proving to be MOST amazing:)

Parts of a Microscope using the SKITCH app:

Organic Molecules using the SKITCH app:

Characteristics of life using the ANIMOTO app:


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

7th Grade INSECT Collection Guidelines

HERE are the long awaited guidelines:)  We will be spending Friday in class reviewing the requirements, answering questions, and learning resources for identification. 

The collection is due on MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2012.

5th Grade Edible Cell

We are going to have an EDIBLE CELL PARTY on Friday, September 21!

HERE are the directions for the Edible Cell project.  Have fun!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Friday, August 24, 2012

First Week was AWESOME!

We all successfully survived the first week of science!!  My 6-8th graders began a brief unit on scientific latin terms and will have an assessment in class on Monday and Tuesday!  5th graders had an intro into "What makes Science Science!"  Fifth graders should come to class on Monday with a drawing of themselves as some type of scientist!  Have a great weekend!

Monday, May 14, 2012


Today was a fabulous day!  Watch below to enjoy our Trebuchet fun!  Who would have thought History and Science could be sooo fun!  Mechanical advantage anyone?

Monday, April 23, 2012

Newton's Laws of Motion

Click HERE to see our Newton's Laws of Motion in VOKI format!:)

7/8 Grade Digestive System Homework

By Thursday this week, (April 26, 2012) please read 18.1 AND 18.2 and take the quizzes for each section.

See you in class on Wednesday!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

This Week is Science

Exciting week ahead! Make sure you keep up!

6th Grade
Tuesday night: Watch video about speed and take notes!
EXTRA CREDIT ASSIGNMENTS (optional) Watch Top Gear on the History Channel and be able to discuss the episode with me tomorrow and/or write 5 speed story problems.

Wednesday: Quiz in Class--FUN with Speed NO HOMEWORK

Thursday: Acceleration in class.
Thursday night: Watch video 1 and video 2 about acceleration.

7th/8th Grade
Tuesday night: Read 17.1, take quiz 17.1, PERFORM HIP SURGERY, answer the questions I emailed you about the hip surgery and share with me. (You will need to make a copy of the document and then share your new document when you have answered your questions.)

Wednesday: Introduction to the Muscular System

Thursday: Muscle Fun!!
Thursday Homework: Read 17.2, take quiz 17.2 , prepare for Muscle Karaoke on Monday!

Monday, April 2, 2012

6 Grade Inertia

Here is the lowdown on what we will be doing this week:


  • Inertia Lab (in class)
  • HOMEWORK--Video 1 (take notes--you can use notes for quiz on Wednesday)


  • Quiz over Inertia/Newton
  • Complete Inertia Lab


  • Intro to Friction

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

7/8 Grade Extra Credit!!!

I assigned EXTRA CREDIT today! Please have it turned in for class tomorrow!

Need the worksheets? Try these links:

Characteristics of Birds

Bird Images

This completed EXTRA CREDIT will take the place of any classwork/homework that is a zero!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

7/8 Grade Birds and Mammals Week

In Class Monday--Bird Diversity--Life Video
Monday night--read 29.2 and complete quiz 29.2 by 10:00 pm!

In Class Tuesday--Bird adaptations Activity
Tuesday night--Read 30.1 and complete quiz 30.1 by 10:00 pm!

In Class Wednesday--Intro. to Mammals
Wednesday night--no homework!

In Class Thursday--Mammal Scavenger Hunt
Thursday night--Read 30.2 and complete quiz 30.2 by 10:00 pm!

In Class Friday--Switcheroo Zoo Assessment
Weekend--Complete Switcheroo Zoo if not complete in Class

6th Grade Science This Week

Here are links to your homework assignments this week:

Monday--Read Volcanoes 1: What is a Volcano and Volcanoes 2: Plate Boundaries then complete the practice questions 1-5 for both questions. DUE TUESDAY .

Tuesday--Read Volcano Types 1 and Volcano Types 2 complete the practice questions 1-5. DUE WEDNESDAY .

No Homework Wednesday night.

Thursday--be prepared to complete Pompeii project by end of class Friday.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Earthquake/Volcano In Class Webquest

Here is a link to today's webquest:


We will be completing this without a paper and pencil! Let's see how it works!
1. Save pdf to desktop.
2. Open powerpoint.
3. Set powerpoint to portrait/letter size orientation.
4. Insert object (I will walk you through this part:))
5. Complete .pdf using shapes for your answers (I'll show you this too:))
6. Save ppt.
7. Using your email-send me your ppt:)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Online Dating Profile

For your Amphibian/Princess dating profiles you will need to include the following information for each potential dating candidate:

1. Common Name
2. Genus species
3. Size
4. Coloration
5. Habitat/Lifestyle
6. Unique Characteristics (at least 2)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

Fourth Quarter!!!

Alrighty cutie pies, the fourth quarter is here and it will be AWESOME! A bit of review for all of my students from today's class:

7/8 Grade--We are finishing Chapter 28 and the first part of Chapter 29 this week. Please make sure quiz 28.3, 29.1 are submitted to me by Thursday at 9:00 pm. We will have an assessment (no telling what it might look like:) ) this Friday.

6 Grade--Earthquake fun begins and ends this week! Here is a link to our online chapter for earthquakes. We will be starting under the "NATURE OF EARTHQUAKES" heading. Please have the NATURE OF EARTHQUAKES read by Wednesday and MEASURING AND PREDICTING EARTHQUAKES by Thursday.

5 Grade--We will finish Light this Thursday! I'll spend Tuesday/Wednesday reviewing with you but plan to have an assessment on Thursday.

For all of my LSU fans--thought you would appreciate a little fourth quarter excitement.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

5th Grade Science Class on Thursday

HERE is a link to the game. Print out your score at the end.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday 7/8 Grade Science Wanted Poster

Hi guys! Hope you've been reading:)

Before you begin today's activities: go take the following online quizzes and submit them to me:


After your quzzies, your assignment today is to create AN INSECT WANTED POSTER. Go to this website:
http://education.denniskunkel.com/Wanted-Mugs-Index.php and research an insect that interests you. Then, using your google docs, create a "Wanted Dead or Alive!" poster. Your poster should include such information as the insect's scientific name, natural habitat, what the insect needs to stay alive, and why the insect is "wanted." Be creative! Try using terminology from the "Old West" wanted posters. For beneficial insects, the "bounty" could be the price these insects cost in scientific supply/garden supply catalogs. Share your poster with me by the end of class.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

5th Science Assignment--Building Big

Here is a link to the Building Big Website you need to use for Monday and Tuesday.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Marshmallow Catapults

We had A LOT of fun studying the Lever, one of our simple machines.  Which lever shot the marshmallow the furthest?  Check with Bailey:)

3D Flowers

A bit overdue---a video showcasing our knowledge of the angiosperm:)!

6th Grade Genetics Creations

We've had a blast determining and creating different creatures in our science class this week!  Here is a short movie showing you our "baby smiley faces" and "muppet babies!"

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Simple Machine Practice

Let's play this game to practice simple machines!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

3D Flower

Hi 7/8 Grade! Parts to label on your flower include: stem, sepals, petals, stigma, style, ovary, anther, filament. Don't forget your name! Use your yellow flower lab or the diagram in 10.3 if you need help!
