Monday, September 26, 2011

What's Happening 9/26-9/30

Check your calendars for this week's assignments in Science.

6-8 Graders--please bring your white t-shirt inside a gallon baggie and,  if possible,  a container of rubbing alcohol by this WEDNESDAY!

Moms and Dads look for graded work being sent home this week.  

7/8 Graders have a test this Friday
6 Graders will finish our Glogs this week
5 Graders started a unit on Ecosystems today and our first test on the subject will be next Monday!

Extra Credit Assignments have been requested by several students so read below--Extra Credit projects will be due on Friday, October 7.

7/8 Grade--take a picture of yourself with any LIVE animal.  Either place that picture in a google presentation or print it.  On the picture of the animal, WRITE/TYPE the Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family.  Each picture is worth UP TO 4.5 points each.  If a family member is in your picture, you can make each picture worth UP TO 5 points. You can do this for up to seven animals.  YOU CAN EARN UP TO 35 EXTRA POINTS to be ADDED TO YOUR LOWEST TEST SCORE!  This site will help:

6 Grade--make a list of up to twenty common household compounds/substances and write the compound's chemical formula, common name, and chemical name.  TYPE THIS INFORMATION INTO A GOOGLE DOC AND SHARE IT WITH ME!  (  YOU CAN EARN UP TO 20 EXTRA POINTS to be ADDED TO YOUR LOWEST TEST SCORE!

5 Grade--Complete this teacher's webquest: and turn it in by next Friday.  The grade you receive on this webquest can replace your lowest test score!
