Thursday, September 29, 2011

5th Grade Food Web Project

On Tuesday in class, use Microsoft Office Powerpoint and create a food web that shows at least 3 food chains. Use clip art and shapes to show the flow of energy. I have a picture below of what one might look like.

When you have completed this assignment, make sure your name is on it and print it out!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

What's Happening 9/26-9/30

Check your calendars for this week's assignments in Science.

6-8 Graders--please bring your white t-shirt inside a gallon baggie and,  if possible,  a container of rubbing alcohol by this WEDNESDAY!

Moms and Dads look for graded work being sent home this week.  

7/8 Graders have a test this Friday
6 Graders will finish our Glogs this week
5 Graders started a unit on Ecosystems today and our first test on the subject will be next Monday!

Extra Credit Assignments have been requested by several students so read below--Extra Credit projects will be due on Friday, October 7.

7/8 Grade--take a picture of yourself with any LIVE animal.  Either place that picture in a google presentation or print it.  On the picture of the animal, WRITE/TYPE the Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family.  Each picture is worth UP TO 4.5 points each.  If a family member is in your picture, you can make each picture worth UP TO 5 points. You can do this for up to seven animals.  YOU CAN EARN UP TO 35 EXTRA POINTS to be ADDED TO YOUR LOWEST TEST SCORE!  This site will help:

6 Grade--make a list of up to twenty common household compounds/substances and write the compound's chemical formula, common name, and chemical name.  TYPE THIS INFORMATION INTO A GOOGLE DOC AND SHARE IT WITH ME!  (  YOU CAN EARN UP TO 20 EXTRA POINTS to be ADDED TO YOUR LOWEST TEST SCORE!

5 Grade--Complete this teacher's webquest: and turn it in by next Friday.  The grade you receive on this webquest can replace your lowest test score!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fair Weekend Science Fun

7/8 Graders and 5th Graders-work on  your collections!!  They are due on Wednesday.

To help identify bugs by photo, try this site:  

To help identify texas leaves by photo, try this site:

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

6th Grade Glog Assignments

6th Grade

Glog #1
1.  Image and definition of an atom
2.  Three basic parts of an atom including charge and where they are found in the atom
3.  At least four scientists and how they contributed to our modern atomic theory
4.  Video about parts of an atom

Glog #2
1.  Three facts about the periodic table
2.  Image of periodic table
3.  Description of what is contained in a square in the periodic table (Element name/symbol/atomic number/atomic mass)
4.  Image of an element
5.  Video about the periodic table
6.  definition of compound
7.  Image and formula of three common compounds

Glog #3
Mixtures and Solutions
1.  Definition of mixture
2.  Definition of two basic types of mixtures
3.  images of two types of mixtures
4.  Definition of solution
5.  5 different ways to separate a solution
6.  Video about mixtures and solutions

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tonight's Homework

7/8 Grade-read section 3.3. and complete the quiz 3.3 tonight.  Make sure you send your quiz to your school email AND

6 Grade-try to work on the glog we started in class.  Here are the directions for Glog #1
Glog #1
1.  Image and definition of an atom
2.  Three basic parts of an atom including charge and where they are found in the atom
3.  At least four scientists and how they contributed to our modern atomic theory
4.  Video about parts of an atom
5 Grade-Here are the instructions for our assessment.  This is a project that will be completed in class by the end of class on Thursday.  Here are the photos we have of our experiments  Transpiration  Phototropism  Gravitropism.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Science on Monday

What a great day!  We all learned a lot!!

7/8 Grade--you have homework!! Read 3.2 and take quiz 3.2.  PLEASE make sure to email your quiz to yourself and  Test grades went home today--show your mom & dad!

6 Grade--no homework!!  finished labs in class and finished up solutions and mixtures.  Show your mom and dad how you learned about solutions and mixtures with Journey!  Test on THURSDAY!

5 Grade--read A44-52 by Wednesday--Edible Cell grades went home today (I need to reprint AQs and AJs--sorry) Test on THURSDAY!

Have a great evening--6-8 graders-you should ask your mom and/or dad to try out our assignment today in tech class:)

6th Grade Solution Video

It just doesn't get much better than learning basic chemistry with the help of Neil Diamond and now JOURNEY!!  Thanks Mr. Edmonds!  We think you are AWESOME!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

This Week in Science

Check out what's happening this week!

Click HERE and LISTEN!


We had a GREAT FRIDAY in 5th Grade! Our edible cell projects were due. Check out our hard work! Good job!

Monday, September 12, 2011

What's Happening In Science This Week?

7/8 Grade--check out our calendar and make sure you are keeping up with assignments! Test on Wednesday. Quiz 2.3 tonight, Chapter Review on Tuesday, Test on Wed., Quiz 3.1 on Thursday!! Super busy week!

6 Grade--Finish your element trading cards tonight and get ready to have some fun with Chemistry this week!

5 Grade--Edible cell project due on FRIDAY!! Here are the directions.

Monday's Assignments

Hi 6th Graders--Please do the following assignment while I am gone on Monday.

Go to this document and read the directions and create 4 element trading cards. You will need to print page two of the document. Go to this website: for your information. ONE CHANGE IN DIRECTIONS--please place a small, printed image of each element on the FRONT of the card in the bottom right hand corner. (You may use google images for this task:)) Don't forget to write your name on your paper:)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Weekend Science Fun!

Just because it's the weekend, doesn't mean we have to stop all of the science fun! Here's what's scheduled for your weekend:

7/8 Grade--Work on your insect collection! If you are available, meet me on Sunday at 5:00 pm at the Wave Pool Entrance at Schlitterbahn (across from the Christmas Shoppe).


1. an adult (needs to stay with us--it should be fun!)
2. a net
3. a killing jar

I will take you to a "secret spot" by the Comal River that will hopefully be crawling with creepies:)

6th Grade--how about some extra credit? Since we are studying atoms and elements, how about making an edible Carbon atom?

Here's some tips:

The Incredible, Edible Atom Project Requirements
  1. All electrons, neutrons, and protons must be made of food.
  2. The protons, neutrons, and electrons need to be proportional to each other. For example, for Hydrogen you could have an Apple as a proton, and a peanut for the electron. Electrons are very small. They hang out in energy levels. (hint hint)
  3. Use cheap food/candy. This assignment is not encouraging food or money waste.
  4. It is not required that you eat your completed atom. It may not meet health standards.
  5. Your name needs to be somewhere on the model.
5th Grade--I sent home extra credit worth 12 points added to yesterday's test! Don't forget to put your name on your flower. You might want to finish up collecting leaves this weekend!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Homework for 9/8

7/8 Grade--Read 2.2. Take Quiz 2.2  send to AND your school email:)

6 Grade --finish reading C34-43

5 Grade--TEST TODAY means no homework tonight!!  Tell your folks how you did!!  It was our first science test online!!  I will send home a weekend extra credit project for those of you who want to "boost" your test grade a bit:)

5th Grade Plant Test Ch 1

Click HERE to take today's test!

After the test--you may go review continents and oceans for your Social Studies quiz today at THIS link.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday!

Today in science:

7/8 Graders--complete cell construction paper models

6 Graders
--Tests went home today! Corrections due tomorrow. Here's today's video:)

5 Graders--Helpful test review links. TEST TOMORROW over Parts of Plant!

Plant Vocabulary Review

Click here for larger version

Friday, September 2, 2011

Have a Great Weekend!

We have had a busy and exciting week.  Parents-I've sent lots of papers home this week--make sure you take a look:)  Students--make sure you are keeping mom and dad informed of your progress:)  NO OFFICIAL HOMEWORK over this weekend!!  7/8 Graders work on collecting insects!! 5th Graders--work on your leaf collections!!  Enjoy the last little bit of summer.
