Thursday, September 20, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Science Students Are AWESOME!

We have implemented 1:1 ipads in grades 6-8 at our school and I've neglected to showcase some of our recent awesomeness:)  ALL of my students have rocked out the ipad initiative so far but here are some examples that I think you might enjoy from my Life Science class.  WAY TO GO ALL  of my science students!!  This year is proving to be MOST amazing:)

Parts of a Microscope using the SKITCH app:

Organic Molecules using the SKITCH app:

Characteristics of life using the ANIMOTO app:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

7th Grade INSECT Collection Guidelines

HERE are the long awaited guidelines:)  We will be spending Friday in class reviewing the requirements, answering questions, and learning resources for identification. 

The collection is due on MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2012.

5th Grade Edible Cell

We are going to have an EDIBLE CELL PARTY on Friday, September 21!

HERE are the directions for the Edible Cell project.  Have fun!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
